Pope Francis using homophobic apologizes using vulgar word

Pope Francis using homophobic apologizes

Pope Francis using homophobic apologizes : Pope Francis using a word people who don’t like it. One Day the Pope Francis had used derogatory language at the Italian Bishops Conference when people asked if gay men should be allowed to train as priests if they remain celibate. The Pope said gay men should not be allowed to train as preists even if they remain celibate and there he used a homophobic word.

Pope Francis using homophobic apologizes
Pope Francis using homophobic apologizes

Pope Francis using homophobic apologizes

And also said in the Church ther is room for everyone, for everyone, Nobody is useless, and nobody is great, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, all of us, Pope Francis said in Press Conference. And Recently said that priests should be able to bless same sex couples in some circumstances, although he emphasized that blessing would be for individuals in couples, not couples.


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